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Uso de lusitanian en inglés
To the Ivory Market, or the Lusitanian mines in Appalachia.
The city of Macao stands a monument of Lusitanian enterprise.
Through her at least the Lusitanian Prince of Thomson's line is half an Englishman:
Caroline remarked, hitherto a passive listener to these Lusitanian contes.
Fortune was at first favourable to the Romans; the Lusitanian army was broken and their camp was taken.
I christened that car the Lusitanian Terror, and it was a marvel that we did not smash ourselves up.
This was originally built about A.D. 105, in honour of the Roman emperor Trajan and at the cost of eleven Lusitanian communities.
"Yet it speaks of the bygone magnificence of the once proud Lusitanian," answered the poet.
The inscription of the stupendous bridge of Alcantara attests that it was thrown over the Tagus by the contribution of a few Lusitanian communities.
He girds up his loins for a great history of Portugal, which will be translated into Portuguese in the first year of the Lusitanian Republic.
A Lusitanian of gigantic stature ran over the tables, carrying a man in each hand at arm's length, and spitting out fire through his nostrils.
She met the Lusitanian cooks, a husband and wife team whose passionate screams in Portuguese during their fights and lovemaking were legendary among the sailors.